Western KY was hit with devastating tornadoes the evening of December 10th 2021. Many lives were lost and homes and businesses destroyed. It is times like these that the church has an incredible opportunity and responsibility to be the hands and feet of Jesus. If you would like to give financially to help those in need there are many churches and organizations collecting money. Listed below is the link for Kentucky Baptist Disaster Relief. They have teams now deployed all over the affected areas cleaning debris, providing supplies, counseling families, etc.
If you would like to give through First Baptist Barlow, we will be collecting funds and giving to individuals and churches in need.
Thank you for your generosity as the Body of Christ comes together to to help a community that desperately needs to see the love of Christ.
If you would like to give through First Baptist Barlow, we will be collecting funds and giving to individuals and churches in need.
Thank you for your generosity as the Body of Christ comes together to to help a community that desperately needs to see the love of Christ.